2023 - Ramana Maharshi and Friends

2023 - Ramana Maharshi and Friends

74 inches x 35 inches

Who am i said the Gau

Who am i said the leopard

Who am i said WHO

2023 - When Lord Hanuman goes out to Bat for India"

2023 - When Lord Hanuman goes out to Bat for India"

58 inches x 35 inches

2023 - The Pluto in Leo generation and their Love Storm at Woodstock

2023 - The Pluto in Leo generation and their Love Storm at Woodstock

Mixed Media - 78 inches x 36 inches

Dedicated to US, the "Selfish" baby Boomers

Many Blessings to Miriam and Max Yasgur

2023 - DJ Darwins Amazonian evolution

2023 - DJ Darwins Amazonian evolution

Mixed Media - 45 Inches x 32 Inches

Inspired by the courage, adventurousness and Soul beauty of Fallon Macwilliams

2022 - The Human Bee Goddess

2022 - The Human Bee Goddess

Mixed Media, 44 x 35 inches

Dedicated to the Visionary work of Alison Yahna at the Artemis Smiles Bee Sanctuary on the Big Island, Hawaii, for Her tireless work honoring and Revering the Sacred Bees in their Mission as Teachers of Ancient Truths and new awarenesses.

2022 - Divine Providence ,Solomon's Angels, JFK and the crew of the PT 109

2022 - Divine Providence ,Solomon's Angels, JFK and the crew of the PT 109

Mixed Media, 44 x 35 inches

Dedicated to Biuku Gasa and Eroni Kumana for their heroic role in rescuing JFK and the crew of the PT 109.

From my childhood I fondly remember my Uncle telling me of the "Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels " .....how without the help of those amazing indigenous Souls of New Guinea they would have been doomed, during their service there in WW2.......the roots of this painting reside in those memories.

March 11, 1961

Dear Biuku:

Reverend E. C. Leadley has recently sent me your very kind message, and I can't tell you how delighted I was to know that you are well and prospering in your home so many thousands of miles away from Washington.

Like you, I am eternally grateful for the act of Divine Providence which brought me and my companions together with you and your friends who so valorously effected our rescue during time of war. Needless to say, I am deeply moved by your expressions and I hope that the new responsibilities which are mine may be exercised for the benefit of my own countrymen and the welfare of all of our brothers in Christ.

You will always have a special place in my mind and my heart, and I wish you and your people continued prosperity and good health.


John F. Kennedy

2022 - The Ancient Medicine Men and the modern Medicine Mob

2022 - The Ancient Medicine Men and the modern Medicine Mob

Mixed Media - 46 x 79 inches

2022 - Srinivasa Ramanujans Blessings from Goddess Namagiri Thayer

2022 - Srinivasa Ramanujans Blessings from Goddess Namagiri Thayer

Mixed Media - 46 x 79 inches

2022 - When Eastern Rosellas  Dream

2022 - When Eastern Rosellas Dream

Mixed Media - 40 x 64 inches

2022 - Reflections on Anandamayi Ma - Divine Flower of India

2022 - Reflections on Anandamayi Ma - Divine Flower of India

Mixed Media, 46 x 79 inches

2021 - Becoming Ram Dass

2021 - Becoming Ram Dass

Mixed Media, 72 inches x 72 inches

When Harvard meets the Himalayas

When 900 micrograms of Science meets 9000 years of Vedic Culture

When Richard Alpert meets Neem Karoli Baba

2021 - Deadly Path to the Realm of the Muses

2021 - Deadly Path to the Realm of the Muses

Mixed Media, 72 inches x 72 inches

2021 - The Spell of Carlos Castaneda's Dreaming

2021 - The Spell of Carlos Castaneda's Dreaming

Mixed Media on Canvas, 183 cm x 183 cm

This Painting is Dedicated to the Medicine Teachings and Ancient Shamanic Wisdom of the Peoples of the Americas.

As i never personally met Carlos, I can't speak for His Integrity, or otherwise…all i can say is that His first 3 books had a profound influence on the direction and Destiny of my Life, as they Have had for Millions of Souls travelling through this Dimension.

Amy Wallace, as part of the inside Circle of Castaneda's reality, had this to say in Her book "Sorcerers Apprentice":

“Although Carlos had begun as a genuine seeker, a true philosopher, he had ended as a tyrant watching over a cult of terrified followers. Power had wielded its legendary seductions, illness had weakened Him terribly. But nothing, I believe, can subtract from the sincerity and beauty of His early works. To take their wisdom and leave the rest would be to take the best of Castaneda.

Carlos Castaneda left on his crystal clear and deadly sure journey and the birds continued singing.

You can view a short video about this painting with the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9LlihXt2n4

2020 - Sri Yantra

2020 - Sri Yantra

Mixed Media , 240 x 240 cm

Inspired by and in gratitude to Smita Joshi, Shubarani Unichigid and Pooja Temkar

2021 - Healing the First Wounds

2021 - Healing the First Wounds

240 x 210 cm, Mixed Media

Spirit of the Medicine Women
In Service to the golden Sun
Rising over the white house
During America’s dark night of the Soul
Spirits of the nation return to the good red road

Dedicated to the Memory of 4 truly heroic, amazing and inspiring Beings, born into the Americas:

Nanye-Hi {Nancy Ward}
Susan La Flesche Picotte
Sarah Winnemucca
Olivia Arevalo Lomas

In gratitude to Apache/Kewa elder Grandmother Judy Tallwing and Her Son David for their Friendship, Wisdom and Hospitality

2021 - Tibetan Medicine Flower

2021 - Tibetan Medicine Flower

240 x 210 cm, Mixed Media

2020 - The Snow of Compassion

2020 - The Snow of Compassion

183 cm x 183 cm

2020 - Early Days and Arabian Nights on the Island of the Genii

2020 - Early Days and Arabian Nights on the Island of the Genii

120 cm x 240 cm

Sure, there’ Plastic here
Its Everywhere
There’s something else here as well
Something Authentic
Something Solid
Its Ancient
Its Real

2020 - M-Es-Sage, Message or Mess-Age

2020 - M-Es-Sage, Message or Mess-Age

240 cm x 210 cm

Heard from Spirit
The inner reality
Got the Message

Ears for Hearing
Hands for Creativity

Connected to Nature
Healing from within

Fail to get the message
Inane Drivel from without
The hypnotic Virus of ignorance

2020 - A Tribute to Rosalind Franklin and the mystery of the origins of the DNA code

2020 - A Tribute to Rosalind Franklin and the mystery of the origins of the DNA code

210 cm x 240 cm

2019 - Goddess of the Bees arrives in Defence of the Sacred Creation

2019 - Goddess of the Bees arrives in Defence of the Sacred Creation

Mixed media 240 cm x 210 cm

2019 - Rainbow Warriors returning from the Heart of the Sun to protect La Pachamama

2019 - Rainbow Warriors returning from the Heart of the Sun to protect La Pachamama

Mixed media .120 cm x 240 cm

2019 - Princess Guarani of Iguazu

2019 - Princess Guarani of Iguazu

Mixed media 240 cm x 210 cm

2018 - Andean/Amazonian Archetypal Journey

2018 - Andean/Amazonian Archetypal Journey

2400 cm x 2100 cm
Mixed media on canvas 2017

Serpent - for those many with enough pain, shed your past

Jaguar - for those with enough courage, face your fears

Condor - for those few with enough heart, reconnect with your ancestor beings and the angelic helpers

Hummingbird - for those with enough endurance, bring back the gift from the Spirit Beings to nourish the divine creation

2018 - Polli-nation Mandala

2018 - Polli-nation Mandala

2400 cm x 2100 cm
Mixed media on canvas 2017

Whether we choose to be or not
We are always pollinators
Cultures flower
Humans travel
A global garden of answers

2018 - Ganja Queen

2018 - Ganja Queen

72” x 48”

In gratitude eternal To Susan B

Caretaker of the Blessed

Emissary of the Shavis

Impish sprite from On High

2018 - Kala Mandala

2018 - Kala Mandala

2400 cm x 2100 cm

Namaskar – The central position is occupied by the sacred Aum – emanating from this are aspects to the 12 Rashis. Then the constellations are as they appeared in relation to the Vernal Equinox (VE) at the time of the formulation of the Vedas with Krittika occupying the VE and the 108 Padas followed by the Meshadi version of Nakshatras where Ashwini occupies the VE. Outward from this are the corresponding 27 Nakshatra Deities. The outermost circle contains the Nava Grahas. As both starting points for alignment with the VE are now superseded by the reality of the mystery of time, Uttara Bhadrapada now occupies the VE.

The great mystery of the Divine Science of Light is overlooked by both Lord Vishnu (who looks somewhat suspiciously like a Siberian shaman) as well as Lord Ganesha. In the bottom right is the Dendra Zodiac from Egypt (circa 2500 BC). Bottom left is Lord Hanuman who should serve as a perfect example to all of us as one possible way to serve the Supreme Lord.

This is an astrological mandala – not an Astrolywood UFO. If it were a creation of Astrolywood, there would no doubt be a couple of Zodiac Gods watching over the 26,000 round from the position of the VE, partaking of the delights of Soma. After many centuries of viewing the same Nakshatra, we hear “Man, I am so looking forward to seeing my loving friend Lord Pushan again,” then “Woman, will I ever be ecstatic to see the tail end of that Goddess Niritti.” Uh oh, now those Astrolywood Gods are beginning to chant. “More Bhakti, more Bahkti, more Soma, less Youtube, More Bahkti”.

All Glorious to the Supreme Lord! Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

2018 - The Alchemist

2018 - The Alchemist

240 x 222 cm

The sun dawns gold
For a time
On a sacred land
In the home of the brave
A flower child's medicine dream
Call it acid, call it a trip
Call it what you like
The humans, they were all there
That's for sure
The called and the chosen
The brotherhood of eternal love
A sisterhood too, passing Haight
On those streets
Owsley was the word
That's for sure
In micrograms we trust
Gods of starships to the realms
Of love and peace
All beneath a brooding, darkening
And star-filled night sky

2018 - Medicine Spirit's Vision {of the arrival of the old world}

2018 - Medicine Spirit's Vision {of the arrival of the old world}

240 x 220cm

Thunder on the Horizon
Here they come
The old world Powers

Galleons and Guns
Horses and Armour
The Devil and Christ
From the court of the jesters
In the land of Yang

Eclipsing the medicine people on the continent of Yin

Here comes the book knowledge
There goes the plant Wisdom
Nothing left but traitors and Heroes
For five gruelling centuries

Some light on the Horizon

2018 - The Condors Gift

2018 - The Condors Gift

120 x 200cm

Flight out of the Amazon
Just one wave
That’s all it took
A chapter closes with the gift of the Condor

2018 - Approaching Storm on 6 Grandfather's Mountain

2018 - Approaching Storm on 6 Grandfather's Mountain

100 x 73cm

This is America
It exists somewhere
Amonute Matoaka Pocahontas marries John Rolfe
Spirits on two continents celebrate
Mildred Delores Jeter marries Richard Loving
Spirits on 3 continents celebrate
The Founding Fathers' Aquarian dream realized
Spirits on all continents celebrate

2018 - At home in the Eyrie

2018 - At home in the Eyrie

180 x 180 cm

The Golden Eagles gathered around the fire
Well after midnight
With the Spirit of Sitting Bull
With the Spirit of Crazy Horse
Home at last
All is well

2017 - Holy Mother and Child Emerging from their Sanctuary in the Heart of the Amazon

2017 - Holy Mother and Child Emerging from their Sanctuary in the Heart of the Amazon

180 cm x 180 cm (70 x 70)
Mixed media on canvas 2017

This painting is dedicated to Maestro Santiago Enrique Paredes Melendez, his wife,partner and fellow Curandera Ayme and their family.

  2017 - The Usko-Ayar Visionaries

2017 - The Usko-Ayar Visionaries

180 cm x 180 cm (70 x 70)
Mixed media on canvas 2017

The Usko Ayar visionaries are Don Emilio, Don Jose Coral, Apolinar, Don Basilio Gordon, brothers Juan and Mauro Reategui Perez, Ake Hultkrantz, Raph Metzner, Terence McKenna, Richard Evans Schultes, Reichel Dolmatoff and the two founders of the Usko-Ayar Amazonian school of visionary art painting, whom this painting is dedicated to: Luis Eduardo Luna and Pablo Amaringo. 

Geraldo Reichel-Dolmatoff's words portray the essence of this consciousness: "Today I must acknowledge that since the beginning of the 1940s, it has been for me a real privilege to live with, and also try to understand in-depth, diverse indigenous groups.  I noted among them particular mental structures and value systems that seem to be beyond any of the typologies and categories held then by anthropology.  I did not find the 'noble savage' nor the so-called 'primitive'.  I did not find the so-called 'degenerate' or 'brutish' indian nor even less the 'inferior beings' as were generally described by the rulers, missionaries, historians, politicians and writers.  What I DID find was a world with a philosophy so coherent, with morals so high, with social and political organizations of great complexity and with sound environmental management based on well-founded knowledge.  In effect, I saw that the indigenous cultures offered unsuspected options that offered strategies of cultural development that simply we should not ignore because they contain valid solutions and are applicable to a variety of human problems.  All of this, more and more, made my admiration grow for the dignity, the intelligence and the wisdom of these aborigines, who not least have developed wondrous dynamics and forms of resistance thanks to which so-called 'civilization' has not been able to exterminate them."

2017 - Ammaw

2017 - Ammaw

The Brothers Mckenna Magical Amazonia Weaving
180 x 137 (70 x 54)
Mixed media on canvas 2017

2017 - The Vine of the Adoring Magi under a Full Moon on the Night of the Winter Solstice

2017 - The Vine of the Adoring Magi under a Full Moon on the Night of the Winter Solstice

180 cm x 120 (70 x 47)
Mixed media on canvas 2017

2016 - Fierce Protector

2016 - Fierce Protector

114 x 64cm

2016 - Dance of Life

2016 - Dance of Life

180 x 180cm

2016 - Maria Sabina

2016 - Maria Sabina

123 x 198cm

Our whirling woman of colors
Our woman of light
A woman wise in medicine
A hummingbird woman
For Maria Sabina
Little understood
Often persecuted
A light into the world

2016 - Awaiting Rainbow Tara's Arrival

2016 - Awaiting Rainbow Tara's Arrival

116 x 184cm

2016 - Guardian Angel on the Mantra Path to Sagarmatha

2016 - Guardian Angel on the Mantra Path to Sagarmatha

114 x 60cm

2016 - Ancient Soma Tree

2016 - Ancient Soma Tree

238 x 212 cm

Be careful! Beware! Be aware.  The use of psychoactive power plants is not for everyone.  Similar to nuclear energy, in the wrong hands they can be agents of great destruction. They are not to be played with or tampered with by the uninitiated or the untrained.  They open doors and the user is not in charge of what will come through those doors.  Right relationship entails knowing how to work effectively with the forces released.  The temporary dissolving of defence mechanisms can free up and amplify the energies of the unconscious, potentially plunging the voyager into hell like realms of panic, terror, and the compete disintegration of identity and reality frameworks.  The in turn can trigger psychotic breaks with acting out self-destructive and/or anti-social behaviour.  So these substances are not toys for escapist fantasy of the immature.  Handled correctly, these experiences can by “niericas” to greater health, healing, creativity, and enriched living.  Handled incorrectly, they can lead to a complete breakdown of the personality, resulting in a crippled psyche and a destroyed life.  Handle with care.

From the Flowers of Wiricuta by Tom Pinkson PhD


2016 - A Season On the Moon

2016 - A Season On the Moon

64 x 120cm

Ancient Gompas
Flying Rimpoches
A Chinese Princess
The Quest for Nirvana and the Enchantment of Samsara
Those fleeting precious moments
A flash of lightning
A passing cloud
Karmic reconnections
Somehow more than just a season on the moon. 

For Corinna Chung, Dharmic sister, travel companion, mudra of inspiration and faith in those wondrous days from LamaYuru to Srinagar

2015 - Amelia

2015 - Amelia

60" x 42"

It matters little how Earhart and Noonan died. It is the truth of their lives that contains the heart and meaning of their message.  

Amelia Earhart was an early symbol of women's emergence as individuals in their own right and a pioneering advocate of women having careers other than as wives or mothers.  Ted Noonan, as navigator of the Pan American Airways China clipper, was a role model for thousands of young Americans aspiring towards careers in aviation.

They were both on the leading edge of society in the 1930s, blazing trails for a generation of women and men to follow. Though they lost their lives prematurely, they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams and making their lives count for something of value.

From Amelia Earhart – The Mystery Solved by Elgen & Marie Long

2015 - Banishment from the Garden and the Return of the Sun King

2015 - Banishment from the Garden and the Return of the Sun King

76” x 48”

Alien Moths Unholy Dream
Orchestrated from On High
Oily Skies
State Religions
Betrayal of Scripts

2015 - Colour Casting in the Land of Acacia

2015 - Colour Casting in the Land of Acacia

82" by 48"

Raven and Jaguar greet the Sun
Black Skin
White Skin
Yellow Skin
Red Skin
The Sun Rises
The Sun Sets
The Colours of Soul
The Colours of Spirit
The Colours of Love
The Colours of Truth


2015 - Hunger for Life

2015 - Hunger for Life

48" x 36" 

2015 - Neptune’s Kin

2015 - Neptune’s Kin

72” x 48” 

2015 - One Galaxy’s Judges are Another Galaxy’s Judged

2015 - One Galaxy’s Judges are Another Galaxy’s Judged

71” x 47”

2015 - Owl and Pussycat

2015 - Owl and Pussycat

72” x 48

2015 - Rachel

2015 - Rachel

40" x 30"

Rachel Carson author of Silent Spring, warned the public of the dangers of DDT to the environment.  Former US Vice President Al Gore said the book had a profound influence on his climate change activism.  He called the book “A cry in the wilderness that changed history”.  Peregrine Falcons were an endangered species b/c DDT was weakening their egg shells, so they were bred in captivity and one of the first released was also named Rachel in her honour. 

2015 - Soul of a Flower

2015 - Soul of a Flower

36" x 36" 

Waris Diri, Soul of a Flower, Heart of a Lion.  Grew up in the desert as a nomad in Somalia.  Her life is a testament to incredible courage, faith, providence, and destiny.   Help her in her mission to end Female Genital Mutilation.

2015 - The Haunting

2015 - The Haunting

42" x 15"

Lesley Blanche, born in 1904, died age 103, having gone from a household name to a mysterious and neglected living legend.

She chose to "escape the boredom of convention" by leaving England in 1946 and never returning.  She was ahead of her time and prescient in the way she attempted to bridge East and West.  Her most famous book, The Wilder Shores of Love, has never been out of print since its first publication in 1954.

Lesley Blanche was appointed MBE 2001 and awarded the medal of Officier De L’Ordre Des Arts et Des Lettres by the French Ministry of Culture.

2015 - The Opium Sirens

2015 - The Opium Sirens

36" x 24" 

2015 - Children of Lightning

2015 - Children of Lightning

94” x 37”

To be born anew requires recognizing that the problems we face today begin in our own distorted mindsets.  We must learn how to use our minds, our consciousness, in a more skillful, compassionate, and a loving manner, i.e. an expanded consciousness from the constricted one that imprisons us like the greedy monkey with his hand stuck in the bottle because he doesn't see that he needs to release the food in his grasp in order to gain his liberation.  

from The Flowers of Wiricuta by Tom Soloway Pinkson, PhD



2014 - The Hu-Man

2014 - The Hu-Man

58" x 38"

2014 - Shah Jahan’s Dream

2014 - Shah Jahan’s Dream

58" x 38"

2014 - Approaching Rahu

2014 - Approaching Rahu

2014 - Ned Kelly’s Not Yellowcake Dreaming

2014 - Ned Kelly’s Not Yellowcake Dreaming

58" x 38" 

Church State Corporation
Dangerous Ground for Aboriginal Culture
Uranium Mining
Dangerous Ground for Humanity